onsdag 4 februari 2015

Edelweiss, Swiss Theme Park in Gapyeong

Är precis som det låter en Schweizisk tema park uppbyggd bland bergen i Gapyeong. Nära både Petite France och Nami Island. Resan ca 1,5 timme enkel resa (från Sinchon Station).Från Chyeongpyeong Station delade vi på en taxi KRW 20000 (ca 160 kr). Du kan även ta en shuttlebus men jag tror att du måste gå den sista biten i 15 min.
Parken är omgiven av ett vackert landskap bland berg med slingriga bilvägar. Säkert än mer fantastiskt på sommaren.

Och själva parken, hur var den?Tja, inte min "cup of tea". Inträdet kostade KRW 10 000 (ca 80 kr). Parken är inte ett museum. För att summera det hela: De flesta av husen är gjord av plywood, i husen finns begränsad interiör, några uppstoppade kramdjur här och där, några fotografier, saker gjorda i lera samt sådana där figurer du står bakom för att bli fotad av ditt resesällskap. Det fanns en butik (Nötknäpparen, vad annars?) och en restaurang. Det fanns även möjlighet att delta i DIY-workshops (du måste betala för dessa) men jag såg ingen sådan aktivitet.

Själv tappade jag intresset efter 10 minuter. Men mitt resesällskap, tre tjejer från Kina, uppskattade parken väldigt mycket. De tog kort på precis allt i vartenda hus både inne och ute! Hahaa.  
Jag kan nämna att jag inte såg ett enda barn i den här parken. Totalt var det ett 20-tal folk här.
Tips! Åk till Nami Island om du aldrig varit där, så mycket bättre!

A Swiss theme park built around the hills in Gapyeong. Close to both the Petite France and Nami Island. The trip took around 1.5 hours each way (from Sinchon Station). From Chyeongpyeong Station we shared a taxi (KRW 20 000). You can also take a shuttlebus but I think you have to walk the last part for 15 min. The park is surrounded in a beautiful landscape among mountains, probably even more beautiful during summer.

The theme park itself, how was it? Well, not my "cup of tea".  The admission was KRW 10 000. And it is not an museum.
To sum it up: Most of the houses is made of plywood and
inside there were mostly empty rooms, some stuffed animals here and there, some photographs, clay-made things and figure boards for you to stand behind so someone can take picture of you. There is one shop (The nutcracker, what else?) and a restaurant. I saw notes that you can participate in DIY-workshops (you have to pay for it).
I lost interest after 10 minutes. But my travel companions, three girls from China, enjoyed it a lot. They took pictures of just about each and every house and corner in the park! Hahaa.

I guess thats what this theme park is for. For people to take picture of themselves in different enviroment. For instance, in one of the houses you could sit on a bench, the wall behind is painted like the Alps. Theres a stuffed animal looking like a St Bernard dog, a doll with " authentical" clothes and a fake birch tree. Say cheese! 

Go to 
Nami Island instead, It's so much better.

Breathtaking view

The restaurant
Coffee break

Some of the things you could do. Cute!

Love lockers. I guess it was new since there were not that many of them
Love tree
It's me!


5 kommentarer:

  1. Was it hard for you guys to get to Edelweiss. I want to go there.

    1. Sorry totally missed your responce.
      It wasn't hard to find it but it takes its time, around 90 minutes. You have to take the metro to Chyeongpyeong Station. And from there take a taxi abound 15-20 minutes. Not expensive at all around 20.000 KRW for one way ask before you jump in though.

      In Chyeongpyeong area there's also Little Prince theme park, Garden of Morning Calm and Nami Island.

      I didn't find Edelweiss worth the trip actually. Don't know what was so good about the place? Maybe because I'm an European? My chinese friends that I went with, found Edelweiss to be really cute and fun!

      Nami Island is on the other hand a gem, specially during spring/summer. Really really worth a visit. Bring a picknick basket if you're on a budget.

      Here's a good interactive webpage for seouls metro: http://www.smrt.co.kr/program/cyberStation/main2.jsp?lang=e

      another tip is an app for android called Subway Navigation from Kakao corp. Works without internet connection. Saved me a lot of times when I was lost in Seoul.
      /Have a nice trip Carina

  2. How do you return to Cheongpyeong Station? Were there many taxi outside Edelweiss Swiss Theme Park or you ask the taxi to wait for you and then send you to Cheongpyeong Station?

    1. Hello Shu Chee!
      Edelweiss Theme parks ticket office helped us to call a taxi.

      Kindly Regards

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